BIRDY-T, Radio-Science Caracterization of an Asteroid

CENSUS has supported the project BIRDY-T by l’IMCCE since 2014 (merge of the projects QBDIM and BIRDY). Suggested support:

  • Phase 0 studies for 2 mission concepts (Cruise and ProxOps)
  • supervision and co-supervision of internships and PhDs
  • Engineering and Project Management support for a Radio-Frequency Test Bench
  • Parametric modeling of 2 mission profiles (MBSE approach)
  • Concurrent engineering campaigns at our PROMESS Plateau

Contact: Daniel Hestroffer (IMCCE)
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CASSTOR, UV spectro-polarimeter IOD

CENSUS has supported the project CASSTOR by LESIA since 2020 :

  • parametric modeling of the mission profile (MBSE approach)
  • support in System Engineering during the PASO study by CNES
  • co-supervision of an internship

Contact : Coralie Neiner
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CURE, refine the ephemerids for ARIEL

CENSUS has supported the project CURE by LESIA since 2018:

  • modeling the mission profile (MBSE approach)
  • support in the scientific coverage analysis
  • concurrent engineering campaigns at our PROMESS Plateau

Contact: Vincent Coudé du Foresto
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NOIRE, cis-lunar observatory for radio interférometry

CENSUS has supported the NOIRE study by LESIA since 2015. Suggested support:

  • preliminary assumptions for a cis-lunar mission concept with a swarm of nanosatellites
  • support in the PASO study by CNES
  • co-supervision of internship and PhD

Contact: Baptiste Cecconi
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TERACUBE, THz probing of Venus’ atmosphere

CENSUS has supported the project TERACUBE by LERMA since 2019. Suggested support:

  • preliminary assessment for a nanosatellite mission
  • co-supervision of an internship

Contact: Jeanne Treuttel (LERMA)
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