CENSUS is one of the main actors in the development of the sector of nano satellites in France, linking this sector to the exploration of space. CENSUS is a « Campus » for students and a « Project Incubator » for researchers, providing with a human, material and methodological platform in support of emerging scientific applications.
The CENSUS community evolves at different levels:
Collaboration with other space campuses:
Several space campuses have been emerging in the Île-de-France region. Each within a different university group (Communauté d’Universités et d’Établissements or ComUE), they represent a large diversity of students and courses. Most of the campuses do not have space researchers in their teams and therefore wish to collaborate with CENSUS.
For example CENSUS has an active collaboration with the UPMC space campus. Via collaborative educational programmes teachers at CENSUS work with students from the UPD university and UPEC university space campuses in the Paris region, with students from the École Centrale in Lille, the Ecole Centrale-Supelec across France, as well as with students from Taiwan, Vietnam, South Africa and the state of Virginia (USA). Several programmes, such as the Master OSAE, are taught at different space campuses. An example is the nano-satellite project IGOSAT developed at the UPD.
Participation of ESEP laboratories:
ESEP is composed of nine laboratories, five of which were involved in some of the nano-satellites projects developed in 2016:
- LESIA - Laboratoire d’études spatiales et d’instrumentation en astrophysique
- LATMOS - Laboratoire atmosphères, milieux, observations spatiales
- LPC2E - Laboratoire de physique et chimie de l’environnement et de l’espace
- LISA - Laboratoire interuniversitaire des systèmes atmosphériques
- IMCCE - Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des éphémérides
Each of these laboratories brings their own intenational partners to the table. For example, within the OGMS-SA project there is a collaboration with South Africa and the USA.