CENSUS, new perimeter

Good bye C²ERES, welcome in CENSUS. The space pole of PSL Université Paris has evolved: a new management, a new scientific perimeter, new means... and a new name. The website is being updated. Please come back to visit us later and request to be added to our Newsletter subscribers with a simple mail to contact.census @ obspm.fr. See you soon.

DOCKS upgrade

See the latest update of DOCKS on its page. The Propagator and the Intervisibility computations were extended, validated (CI’d/CD’d) and deplyed to the Remote Service.

Nanosatellites for Astrophysics

On July 2024, the 4th, Boris Segret, CTO of CENSUS, defended his manuscript "Nanosatellites for Astrophysics" to be granted the French highest official degree: Accreditation to Supervise Research (HDR, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches).

Mémoire (EN)
Mémoire (French version)

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